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Blogger    Lenka Hámošová

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Lenka Hamosova is a designer and researcher who works with critical and speculative design methods, participatory workshops and speculative brainstorming. She is one of the founding members of the UROBOROS collective and is behind the Uroboros: Designing in Troubling Times festival. Her research focuses on the use of synthetic media generated by artificial intelligence in audiovisual production and their potential for fictioning different modes of existence in artistic practice. <br />
She studied visual communication at AFAD in Bratislava and the Think Tank for Visual Strategies at the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam. Currently based in Prague.<br />

VOLBA2050.WORLD exhibition / CHOICE2050 06–10–2021 14:43

Maybe not so obvious on the first sight, but those future speculative scenarios rendered in two divergent trajectories interconnected with the growth (or decrease) of the temperature are making the issue of climate crisis more tangible for general public. Perhaps also giving visitors ideas what to ask from their government representatives.


Guide to cultural places in BA!! 06–10–2021 14:25

This is not just a guide, but visual reconstruction of lost history and visualisation of that part of culture that seems to not have space in this city anymore. Great to have this documented!


Petržalka postcards 06–10–2021 13:35

there are some great ideas in the form of a visual commentary. I can imagine this being the start of critical visual columns in the Slovak context.


BRUT.TO 29–12–2020 13:23

Great initiative! I would like to know more details about how was the collaboration organized within this project - did the designers facilitate specially designed workshops at the day care center? If yes, what methodology are they using for this participatory activity? Are the authors paid for their creative outputs?


Design’s delight - Method and means of a dialogic practice 26–11–2020 21:22

Jan van Toorn is a huge inspiration, R.I.P.!


Paralelný ateliér (Parallel Studio) 22–10–2020 20:28

I am so delighted to see this kind of initiative within the young Slovak design scene! Totally agree that this kind of discourse is absolutely missing and should be popularized across broader design fields, not only the AFAD community. Therefore, I highly appreciate the chosen form of a podcast. I have listened to a few of them already, and it's an excellent entry-level for newcomers to contemporary design theory and critical reflection of pressing socio-ecological issues. Great job!


Sensorium - Festival of Digital Arts and Culture 01–10–2020 11:22

It's great that Sensorium Festival brought design ethics and awareness of problems that come with new digital technologies in festival's program. Every festival that focuses on crossover between art/design and technology should include some critical discussion in order to balance the tech-optimism and solution-oriented design approach.


Bratislava is ready for Coronavirus 30–08–2020 12:43

During any crisis, visual communication plays an essential role in spreading information, and it is necessary to choose the right visual language for this. Graphic designers are the ones who have full responsibility for these choices, and in situations like these, the society can see and appreciate their work. There are plenty of opportunities currently for all kinds of designers for activism and critical interventions in spaces, where official authorities repeatedly fail, and I hope to see this happening in Bratislava.


Slovak extremism 19–08–2020 15:05

Although I like the online action in FB neo-nazi groups, it could be expected the ultra-right followers will not respond critically to it. On the one hand, I think it's always great to mock these guys and spice up their daily life with some irritation. On the other hand, it probably requires more sophisticated ways of persuading to change their opinions. I guess this project works the best in public space after all, where it can help explain the connection between Kotleba's party and neo-fascism to potential voters who fall for Kotleba from sheer disillusion.


PeopleProducts123 19–08–2020 14:38

We can not expect one critical design project to change the world. But it starts with these small actions that one day cause the snowball effect :)


The Daily Gorilla - 11/12/2018 19–08–2020 14:26

In the Netherlands, it's common to see critical visual columns in newspapers made by graphic designers. It's a different medium from political cartoons we are familiar with. I wish one day Slovak newspaper acknowledge the value of critical visual columns and start commissioning local designers to reflect on the current socio-political situation.


Bratislava Superstructures 03–08–2020 17:09

It's always a choice - should critical projects be aimed at the general public, or rather at a specific community (in this case, artists, designers, and architects) to achieve their goal? Yes, this project would not change the general public's thinking, but I think that was not its original goal at all. I agree that sometimes it's enough to influence the community that should be responsible for aesthetic choices in the city. I see this project foremost as an artwork, which is complemented with conceptual design, and together it triggers critical dialogue - as it is happening now in this blog post.