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Critical Daily is a collaborative, participatory project, and thus the quality and relevance of the content need to be approved by the editors prior to posting. The editors consist of graphic designers, curators, theoreticians and volunteers, chosen because of their expertise. All editors provide their opinion and decide if the project is appropriate for this blogzine. Once the project is accepted, it goes live, at which time all users can start liking or commenting on the entry.

Critical Daily
Critical Daily is participating also as an admin and equal member of the editorial board on the quality and relevance check of all content posted on the blogzin. Together with other editors it actively works on the approvals and commenting - mostly proceeded by Katarína Balážiková, the author of Critical Daily.

Zuzana Duchová
Zuzana Duchová is a curator, cultural manager, blogger and active cultural worker. She runs a pop-up gallery and cultural refreshments at the Bratislava Central Station, Salónik, and works at the Cultural Contact Point Slovakia, Bratislava. Her areas of interest are site-specific art, national stereotypes, urban life, visual studies and design. She worked as external lecturer at the TBU Zlín and STU Bratislava. In addition to the theoretical investigation of the cultural life in cities, she co-organised a number of events at the intersection of art, architecture, creative tourism (Urban Re/Creation, Urban Reset, Anti-award for Architecture Brutus). Duchová edited two books about contemporary culture of Bratislava: BA! U-fu-turistický sprejvodca Bratislavou and BA!! Miesta živej kultúry, 1989-2016. She is a member of Atrakt Art collective and has been involved in its projects of the A4 - Zero Space cultural centre and 3/4 magazine. She has also been a co-organiser of the Multiplace festival and was involved in Summer Open Academy (2006-07). She has published widely about contemporary culture.

Lenka Hámošová
Lenka Hámošová is a design researcher and lecturer based in Prague. In her critical design practice, she embraces fiction and speculative approach in tackling ethical issues of the latest technological advancements and envisions the future scenarios of AI-generated synthetic media, transparency of visual communication and visual perception in the post-truth era. She regularly writes and lectures on the frictions in visual culture, design and architecture, organizes workshops and participates in several educational programmes. From 2020 she’s teaching Speculative Design at MA Future Design, Prague College. Lenka is an alumna of Think Tank for Visual Strategies at Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia. She co-founded the Czechoslovak platform for critical and speculative design ALTTAB and collaborates with several transdisciplinary research & design platforms (i.e. Fresh Eye, Hackers & Designers, Critical Daily, BRUTUS - AntiAward for Architecture).

Past editors: Hana Hudak     Anna Ulahelová     Gabriela Ondrišáková     Gabika Rusková