For some time I am watching how creative people work on their projects. Constantly sitting at the computer or drawing, painting, glueing something. They all do stereotyped movements, work several hours constantly and the only pause is a toilet or cigarette. In my survey, the vast majority do not have time, but I know that in many cases its just bad excuse. The body is constantly acting force of gravity and the muscles weaken, person begins to slouch, and his/her body distorts because of long-term neglect. The weakness of neck muscles often causes neck pain and headache. Chest, shoulders, arms, hamstrings, buttocks, calves, and wrists solidify and one begins to feel uncomfortable in his own body.
Imagine that you have all day tied strings. You probably would not feel much comfortable. You would be seriusly nervous and stressed. That's exactly what happens when you sit every day for several hours at work, in the car and even at home in front of a computer. From my own experience I can say that the movement is a freedom.
I see some solution in giving designers or artists some creative movement games, where they can practice the whole body and at the same time have creative fun. These games take only as much time as we want, so they are excellent for body during our work breaks. They can be performed anywhere and particularly it's a loooooot of fun.
The project was created during the course Critic - Critical Practice in Graphic Design that was launched at the Department of Visual Communication on Academy of Fine Art and Design in Bratislava in 2013.
author of the text: Linda Vlachová