The doctrine of discovery is a concept constructed by the catholic church and ingrained within the European political environment, particularly among countries involved in maritime colonization. Despite, it's retrograde harmful nature this doctrine is pervasive. Simultaneously, the voice of decolonization is evergrowing. In graphic design an urgency on reflecting upon the impact of colonization of our visual choices grows.
*Tainted currency* *a post colonial critical guide to coins* is a publication reflecting upon the colonial traces within currency. It's a self-published initiative of critical and activistic publishing. It's small size (4 coins) and riso printing method facilitate it's production cost and therefore distribution.
With this publication I urge you to look around you and try to identify where this doctrine is infiltrated. Has it infiltrated your design choices? Or the objects around you?
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The tone of this publication is partly shaped by my experiences of being born and raised in Portugal, where the doctrine of discovery is a pervasive part of the national identity. *
author of the text: Catarina Costa