I have chosen this topic, particularly because I am interested in this topic for a long time. Since the art industry was established, each of us prefered its own art or design branch. And that’s completely normal for me.
Of course everything becomes a bit complicated when two different professions are enforced to work together. Everyone wants to push and prioritize its own branch as much as its possible - to make their own personal works the most visible.The name itself Das geht dich nich an! describes this experimental project very clearly. Its not your business it is a fairly straightforward sentense that creates a strong connection. Everyone has their own process of creation, and not everyone can handle it.
These two artists joined together to create a very interesting visual element. The combination of a graphic designer and a photographer forces us to feel that such collaboration must work well. Ondrej Gavalda is strong in typography, which is presented here as a supporting element of the whole project. Photographer Šymon Kliman did a very nice job when he captured every important moment of this experimental project.
From the very beginning these two artists understood eachother very clearly. Ondrej Gavalda made the inscription and Šymon Kliman took the pictures. It sounds pretty simple. But the creation of the title itself involved quite a complication. I think the font selection was the right choice. The text is readable from a long distance what I think was the intention. During the process of creation of the inscription on the wall, the photographer captured every important moment. This rich collection of photos was presented at the end in a form of a poster.
My question is: is it sufficient solution to present this issue with some a headline on the concrete wall? Is it not useless? I think collaboration of two different artists can be presented on a higher level. I think we need to present ourselves and sell ourselves diferently. That's how the photography can help us with. Here, however, I am missing the answer what and how this issue can be solved.
I realized that everyone has done their job in this project, so I understand the title itself - It does not concern you! Do what you have to do and everything else its not your busines.