Posters from students of visual communication AFAD Bratislava on various critical topics that they found in the media during the semester. These posters were one of the first project that I have organized at the Department of Visual Communication during my doctoral research. The task was to bring daily newspapers to school, find topics they were interested in, create messages and find their visual representations.
Critic – Critical Practice in Graphic Department is a course that lounched at the Department of Visual Communication at Academy of Fine Art and Design in Bratislava since 2013. It has started on the base of my ArtD research that focuses on support and development of critical students projects that reflect social environment and use critical design thinking. Students are taught to analyse, invent, test and evaluate. They learn the difference between the critical practice and critical approach, between beeing critical in/about the design process. Within the cource students are supported in addressing critical topics and approaching issues from diverse social and political aspects to selected target groups. Its main aim is to present critical practice design as an integrated part of the profession in media society.
Gabika Rusková 28–05–2017 22:40
Engaging students into critical practice while still being at school is a very good step. Through discovering different problems happening daily, that they have to react to, the students will get a good opportunity to learn more and be able to have a different view and experience in design that they can use later while working at their own projects.